At the beginning of this class, we were introduced to several creative ideas to use items that are found off the shelf and could be utilize in the classroom to enhance performance. Those items that we usually see when shopping but never imagine using them in a classroom setting. I learned today to expand my perception of what could be useful or helpful for children at school.
Then, Kathy and I, went to the local dollar store and we found that a variety of technologies are available at Dollar stores with very reasonable prices. However, it is helpful to focus while doing this task on one student's needs in order to complete a particular challenging task to him or her in a specific setting.
Here is what we thought about for assignment3.
By: Muneera and Kathy PM group
A – Low Tech & Adapting our World
Student Profile: (Female Age: 39)
The primary user had a career in the printing industry, was an athlete playing sports at national competitions and also she had a young son, then she was burned in a major fire on her 30 foot boat; first responders were horrified at the sight of a human candle, totally engulfed in flames. We have chosen her because this fire changed her life, leaving her with several physical limitations, not to mention that 75 percent of her body has third degree burns. As a result of the fire she lost her job, unable to work in her field, had to apply for disability (which is significantly less than what she would earn) and no longer has the full use of her hands. The digits have been rebuilt, unfortunately due to the damaged skin the digits have now begun to close, limiting her ability to pick up or hold things.
Most everything else has been repaired through many operations, other than the shrinking of the skin around her mouth, making it very difficult for her to open her mouth, affecting her speech. I guess initially we do not stop and think about what we take for granted but it can be the simplest of things that hinder her performance. She was now facing limited options for her ongoing life, not able to drive a car, play sports and enjoy the hobbies and past times of her previous life; well she has been able to find low tech solutions that enable her to live a full and meaningful life. The deformity in the hands prevent the simple things, like holding a hot cup of tea or coffee, picking up coin that she drops, lighting the BBQ, and playing golf.
Fortunately, she did not listen to her doctors and so found herself, modifying the grips on her golf clubs, is a matter of interest took up golf after the accident and has won several women's titles. She always wanted a motor cycle and now owns and drives one, she did have to have special handle bar grips made to support her disability. Fundamentally we will look at ways to adapt and modify holders for her grip which will support her when she needs to hold or pick up something.
Task A:
Description of the main low tech assistive technology: - (Magnetic extension rod)
It is an extension rod with a magnet head on the end that will help her to pick up any metal objects such as change, keys, hardware, lids from cans and clothes hangers etc., allowing her to have a grasp, that otherwise is not there, also she can interchange this magnetic tool for the pick up grabber that has grabbers on the end.
The environment (Milieu):
This extension rod and all the other items could be used in different environments to serve the same purposes. To mention some of those environments, it could be used at home, the park, in the community, as well as during recreational time. There are other low tech devices that she must use to support her day to day living other than the magnetic extension rod.
- Cup holders with handles for holding drinks
- Plastic/aluminum grabber with hand like ends to pick up shoes, food, garbage, etc
- Binders clips to help in turning pages of books
- Rubber Stamps for easier printing/writng
- Fitness ball (small) that would help for relaxation and strengthening her hand muscles
- Specialized handle grips, modifications for her golf club, specialized gloves, motor cycle
- Reading glasses, magnifying glasses
One Type of Cup Holder:

This is one of several types of cup holders that are available, this one is usually used for the hot beverages because the cup an immediately be placed in this holder. Hot drinks can be especially challenging because she is not always aware of how hot the drink really is, this is caused from the nerve damage and loss of feeling.
Pencil Grip:
Although there are several ways to provide a grip on a pencil, and several pencils and pens already come with grips, this is a blessing for someone that has severely burned skin that is easily irritated. She has custom designed grips made for her golf clubs and gloves, her motor cycle and her hockey stick. This is just a sample of what is available on the shelf that can support people that require pencil grips.

Magnetic Extension Stick:
This tool allows her to pick up small tedious itms that she would not be able to grasp, like coin, keys, tacks and hardware items. This also extends her reach and allows her to move hangers in the closet, pick out clothing andbe able to have a grip on the items she is trying to pick up.

Magnetic Extension Stick
She uses this stick to help her pick up changes, keys and move anything metal that she needs to grasp. This low tech tool gives her the ability to pick up tedious items that she would otherwise not e able to pick up. The example in the picture is showing a women using it to move hangers and pick out clothing.

Card Holder
Here are some off the shelf items that would support our profile for this low tech assignment.
female, 39 years old in a major boat fire; first responders were horrified at the sight of a human candle; her life as she knew it was about to change. After several operations her hands and face are not healing like they had hope, leaving her with curled fingers because of the shrinkage of the skin. Therefore no matter what they insert into the digits to keep them straight are not working, because as the skin heals it shrinks, causing the digits to curl. Therefor some of the items that she uses to support her lifestyle, is hand grips, on her golf clubs, motor cycle, pens, pencils and any surface that she spends time holding. She loves cards and finds it very difficult to hold the hands, so a card holder would be support the cards giving her more flexibility in the game.

Task B: Low Tech assignment by Muneera and Kathy:
Remember the profile of an adult female severely burned in a fire, she has hands and digits but the digits are curled up due to the skin shrinkage making it very difficult it have grip control. She has most handles with grips modified and I showed the extensions rod, the grabber and the Tim Hortons cup holder in, part A of this assignment, all part of her daily life.
It was our thought to create a universal style cup holder for all occasions and cup styles in order to support her where ever she goes, she can have these holders by her side, and maybe even out and around her house or other peoples houses when she is being a guest. So here is one option that we thought about and made a prototype for our presentation today; a door stop with a bendable steel clasp to hold the cup.
This image has the cup inserted in the holder, later in this blog we will show you what it looks like without a cup to give you an idea of how it was constructed.
Then while making this we had company and they suggested using the actual butterfly hanger and bending the hangers to mould the shape of the cup, this could be hung around several places for looks and convenience.
It was exciting to think that we could actually create something that would be adaptable and support the cup and we could pick it up off the shelf and modify it somewhat to meet her needs. Although I must admit she has been quite resourceful in finding her own modified gadgets to help her around the house, in the kitchen as well as on the gold course, I was still excited to think with a little thought and effort what we could really do to support out students.

The key phrases in this course that has change my perspective is to always assume competence and our job is to create the independent learner. If we keep these thoughts in focus then it would appear that we should be able to find the strength and conviction to be able to support our students.
Based on the all the inventions and modified low tech demonstrated in class today i know we are all thinking about what we will be able to do in our classrooms in the fall.
It is exciting to be bringing this hands on knowledge to the school sites where will be able to share this information and technology.
here is a wonderful website for your viewing pleasure
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