Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 06
The discussion today is mainly on some models for assessing the assistive technology in order to choose the best appropriate and effective technologies to suit each student’s needs. Several models were discussed with the conclusion that they are all serving that purpose by analyzing the human element, the task or goal that is aimed to be achieved when using those technologies, and the context or place where the process will be take place. On the top of the list of assessment models, WATI is mentioned as one of the best and practical assessment models that is considered particularly effective, clear, wide-ranging and available on the internet. To view WATI website click here.
Additionally, it has several efficient checklists that could be printed out and used according to the type of disability noted in any particular case.
SETT is another model that frames the process of identifying students’ needs in four main factors affecting the investigation and selection of required tools. Those four elements are students, environment, tasks, and tools. To review SETT website click here.
HAAT is another model for assessment that is framed in three factors, human, activity, and context. HAAT is explained in several web sites such as this or this.
Another model is called AAC that stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication which is explained in more than one website. Click here.
Another area that was discussed today is modes of communications such as writing, painting, behaving, and interacting.
Another collected list of modes of communications is:
1. Text messages.
2. Picture messages.
3. E-mail.
4. Painting.
5. Voice message.
6. Teleconferencing and videoconferencing.

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